Are you looking to adopt a Siberian Husky?

The first step is the application. Filling out the detailed application lets us know which husky would be a good fit for your family. We think all of our dogs are perfect the way they are, but every home is not. This is why they have ended up with us. We are very thorough with this step. The first thing we do is review your application, if your veterinary references are up to par then we reach out to be sure you're still interested. Next, we contact the personal references, so please be prepared. It helps speed the process if you let your veterinarian and personal references know we will be calling. This step can take up to 1-2 weeks, although we try to get through it sooner.
Home Visit:
If your application checks out we will then set up a good time for one of our volunteers to come meet with you. They interview all the household members, check out the home and yard and make sure a Siberian Husky is suited for you. They will also help you understand the breed and what they need as far as a family.
Meet & Greet:
After you have been approved for adoption, we can set up a meeting with dogs of interest that may match! You must bring any current pets to make sure they will get along. We have a network of foster homes, so it is preferred that you are willing to drive to meet any specific dog you are interested in. If for any specific reason you are not able to drive, transportation can usually be arraigned through volunteers, by a case by case basis.
Minimum Adoption Donation:
*Birth through 6 months old – $350
* 7 months to 8 years - $325
* Older than 8 years - $275
All dogs are:
Spayed or neutered before adoption
Evaluated for temperament and trainability
Up to date on core vaccinations for current age
Heartworm tested (if age appropriate) and on preventative
Microchipped for identification
Before applying, please consider the following:
Are all household members in agreement about adopting a Siberian Husky and willing to participate in a home visit?
Are your current pets neutered, up to date on vaccinations, and current on heartworm preventative?
Are you ready to adopt within the next few weeks?
Are your vet and personal references aware that they will be receiving a phone call from us?
Have you given this a lot of thought and prepared to welcome a new family member into your home?
Do you have the time and patience for this breed of dog?