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Foster a dog, Save a life

Fostering is taking a dog into your home and caring for it until it finds the perfect forever home. We work with you to get the dog medically treated and ready for adoption, which could mean getting it's vaccines, having it spayed or neutered and/or addressing other medical needs. Of course, we pay for all of this. If needed, we will also help get the dog to/from appointments, but we will ask that you help too if able. 

Fosters for us take huskies into their loving homes and give them a safe place to stay. The dog is treated like family. As a foster, you get to enjoy a furry friend while waiting for them to be adopted. If you take in a dog that might be just too much or not getting along with your current dog, we will try to move them quickly but cannot guarantee same-day removal. If you fall in love with your foster, you can adopt them. Have you considered adopting? This could be a great way to find your next perfect companion and if not it helps some dogs along the way to their perfect home!

Becoming a Siberian Husky foster has been an incredibly rewarding and eye-opening experience for me. When I first brought my foster dog home, I was struck by the breed's stunning beauty and vibrant energy. These dogs have a unique mix of independence and affection that makes every day an adventure. From our early morning runs to the evenings spent lounging together, I quickly learned that fostering a Husky means embracing an active lifestyle. Their intelligence and curiosity require mental stimulation and plenty of exercise, which has pushed me to explore new activities and improve my own fitness. Watching my foster Husky learn and grow, while adapting to a loving home environment, has been truly gratifying.

However, fostering a Siberian Husky comes with its own set of challenges. Their strong-willed nature and high energy levels demand patience and consistency in training. There were moments when I felt overwhelmed, especially during the initial adjustment period. Yet, the support from local rescue organizations and the fostering community has been invaluable. Sharing tips and experiences with other fosters has helped me navigate the ups and downs. Over time, I've seen my foster Husky's personality shine through as they become more comfortable and trusting. The bond we've developed is incredibly special, and knowing that I'm playing a crucial role in their journey to finding a permanent home makes all the effort worthwhile.

Relationship of Co-Applicant
Home Address
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Are you currently a student?
Do you live in a/an:
If you rent - please provide your landlord contact info
Are you planning to move in the next two years?
Is this your first Siberian husky?
Is there anyone in your home with pet allergies?
Has a dog ever died on your premises of distemper, parvo, or unknown causes?
Have your pets been up to date on veterinary care and core vaccinations?
Are you familiar with heartworm disease?
Are you aware of the grooming requirements associated with huskies?
Are you willing to groom, or have your husky groomed, on a regular basis?
Are you aware of state and local ordinances concerning pet licensing & leashing?
Are you willing to work with this foster dog as your own, to overcome behavioral problems, house breaking, or trust issues?
Do you have any experience crate training a dog?
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Thank you so much for considering saving a dogs life and welcoming a foster into your home!